Book Review: Hacking Your Education by Dale J. Stephens
“This is not a
book about dropping out, but rather about becoming empowered
to make your own
decisions… If you’re looking for an easy solution, shortcut,
or way to work less,
this book is not for you. Hacking your education requires
tons of hard work
and determination.”
From the Introduction
Dale J. Stephens has had an extraordinary life … thus
far. At 21 years old, it may seem like a long time if you are 16 or 17 and find
the title of this book appealing; but, trust me … it is a brief period in the
grand scheme of life. Although I think the author has many good ideas, I don’t
think they are very plausible for most 18 years that I know. And I do know a
lot of 18 year olds.
The unwritten parts of this book were what intrigued me
most. Mr. Stephens posits that, like himself, anyone can accomplish anything
they set their mind to with enough grit and determination. I beg to differ. I
would contend that he had above-average intelligence and an upper middle-class
support system that afforded him many advantages unavailable to the majority of
teens {a fact he barely recognizes or acknowledges}.
As I read through the editors copy of his manuscript {full
disclosure – I did not buy this book, nor did I receive a copy in exchange for
this review}, I kept asking myself, “who was the intended audience?” For the
most part … it seemed to be young, white males with backgrounds similar to the
author. That certainly leaves a whole lot of people on the sidelines. Others
may buy this book, but I don’t think they’ll find what they are hoping for.
Don’t get me wrong. It’s a well-written book. I actually
think it has some good advice for young people unsure of what direction they
are headed in life. I’m a firm supporter of taking a year off after completing
high school – I just think it’s wise to finish high school.
I did, however, feel like many of the ‘hacks’ advocated
therein were … to say the least … unethical. I cringed when I read about
sneaking into college classes for which you weren't registered or lying your
way into conferences for which you hadn't paid. I think that is simply cheating
the system, not hacking it.
Perhaps my 21 year old daughter, whom I asked to read the
text and who just graduated from college, enlightened my perspective. She made several salient points. For example,
after reading about traveling the world by staying with people you've never
met; her comment was, “As a young female, I’m supposed to feel comfortable
couch surfing as a way to stay in countries I've never been to? Give me a
break!” Also, “This guy never had to worry about things like having a reliable
Internet connection so that he could do all his research and keep in touch with
anyone.” Regarding becoming an entrepreneur, she said, “I spend enough time
working with people in that circle to know that for every good idea that gets
funding, a hundred more either don’t come to fruition or crash and burn.”
We all need an inspiration. I wish I had more inspiring examples when I was in high school. I may not have accomplished as much as this author by the age of 21, but I might have accomplished more than I have. Does he really advocate lying and cheating? I have sat in many college classes I was not registered for - it was very simple to get a permission when there was a chair available.